Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Own Little Bobble Head


I just had to share these. CJ is so entertaining at times. Of course, with spending so much time at the track and around motorcycles, he has grown quite fond of them. The other day, he got ahold of Jeff's helmet and wanted to put it on. Not only did he want to wear it, but he had to sit on the motorcyle and make the noises along with it. He sat up there a good ten minutes and was not happy when we decided we were done holding him on the bike. He threw a bit of a fit, but got over it, thank goodness.

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Anonymous said...

Tami, he is way to cute. I love little boys they are so funny. Good job on keeping up on your blog:) For those of us who dont facebook we need to see whats going on.

Brandice said...

was his poor little neck sore the next day? That's a pretty big helmet! He is way cute. Is Ashley recovering from the dog dying scene? Angielee said it was pretty bad.

Alison said...

He is so cute. All your kids are darling. You did good, girl!

Tami Harris said...

Thanks, Alison! I don't think they're too bad! :D Brand- the dog incident was heartbreaking! Ash handled it well, but was pretty shook up about it. Poor Angielee, it was pretty devestating for her.

Leslie said...

What a cutie!

Jessica O. said...

Cute! What's the dog story? I love boating with the kids. My kids love it!

chelon:) said...

love it!