Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Big 3-2!

So, I'm 32 years old today. It just seems a little crazy to me. I know, it's not a BIG year, nothing special about it. Really, just another day. I'm just sitting here in a quiet house. The older kids are at school and CJ just crashed on the front room floor. I've just started thinking about how tremendously blessed I am. I have a wonderful husband and beautiful children. I have an incredible extended family. I'm just content, I'm happy. Life is chatic and crazy, the world seems to falling apart bit by bit, but life is good today. I'm sure it will be good for awhile.

I just want to say thank you to all of you. I have been blessed to have you in my life, whether for a small time or or extended period of time. You have made an impact on me and have been a part of making me the person I am. I'm happy with the person I am. I know I have plenty of short comings, and I have some things I need to work on and I am trying to work on those. Thanks for putting up with me and still loving me just the way I am!



Katie M. said...

Happy Happy Birthday!! What a great time of year to celebrate. I wish I had a fall birthday :)

Have fun, you deserve it!

katie & troy

The Taylor Family said...

Happy Birthday Tami! Hope you have a great day! When shall we do lunch??

Jenny H said...

Happy Birthday!(For the second time:)
I think you should be content with the person you are, because you are great.
Hope you have a great day.

chelon:) said...

i tried sending you an ecard this morning and hallmark was giving me crap!! it was a funny one too :) so this is me...singing to you:


i am sure that you can imagine my beautiful voice right now!!

love you :) cya on tuesday!

Kim said...

Happy Birthday Tami!!!

Anonymous said...

It is a BIG YEAR and there is something VERY SPECIAL about it

Brooke said...

Tami, Happy Birthday! Sorry I didn't realize that it was yesterday! Hope it was a great one! You are so great!

The Hardy's said...

Wish I could have been there to share some cake! I sure love you!

Leslie said...

Happy B-lated Birthday! Girl, 32 isn't old try 33!

Ryan & Holly Willard said...

Happy Birthday Tami! We sure miss you!