Jeff and I took the kids and our friends, The Gorhams up to Island Park this Easter weekend. We had a great time!! We showed up to the cabin with about 7-8 inches of freshly fallen snow. (Doesn't look like we will be seeing summer anytime soon up there with snow banks still about 4 feet deep). Anyway, besides an overcast, windy friday, the rest of the weekend was absolutely beautiful. Saturday the Island Park Resort hosted an Easter Egg hunt for the kids. The plan was to have it indoors, but with the amount of kids that showed up, they had to move it out onto golf course (big piles of snow). It didn't last too long and the kids only scored about 3-6 eggs each, but how often do you get to say that you get to hunt for eggs in piles of snow! Afterwards, Sara and I took a quick run on the snow mobiles that the boys rented. We got back and Jeff and Randall headed out for a few hours. Sara was prepared with Easter games for the kids and later in the evening we did some egg dying. Easter morning came and there were eggs all over the place for kids own little hunt. They had a great time! We had a wonderful easter dinner thanks to Sara doing most of the work! Monday came too quick for us. We had a great weekend. Thanks Gorhams!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Two peas in a pod
Grandpa Sam came and spent the night with us when he was in town working. We got a big kick out of the fact that both Grandpa and Parker had the same hair. We sure miss Grandpa and wished he lived closer!
I have been bit by the Blogging Bug
So, I never thought it would happen! Me, venturing out in the blogging world and putting it all "out there". I don't think I really even knew what "blogging" really meant until a couple of months ago, but I've realized that past couple weeks that I should have my own because I sure spend a lot of time looking at everyone else's out there. Now, I have to say that I am very self-conscience of writing (or typing) my thoughts down for others to read because I always felt that when I read anything back it never made much sense or sounded completely stupid, so please look past all of that. I know you will, because you are all family and friends and love me for who I am right?? :) With that being said, let's get on with it.
So what could be a better time than now to start our family blog, but by introducing you to the new addition to our family? Cole Jeffrey Harris was born January 13, 2008. He weighed in at 7 lbs., 2oz. and measured 21 inches long. He came two and a half weeks early and nobody could have been happier that he came early than me. I was such a wimp this time around with the pregnancy. For some reason, every minor thing was magnifyed into something big because I was such a wimp, it had to be because of my age, right? ha. Anyway, he came and we were all thrilled!
CJ is such a joy and completes our family. Ashley, Megan, and Parker absolutely adore him. It sometimes gets a little tense with each of them fighting over who gets to hold him. Parker can't wait until he is bigger to show him how to ride dirt bikes and teach him how to play the Wii. Megan likes to haul him around like he is one of her dolls. I have to threaten her with her life not to pick him up when he is sleeping. She wants to hold him ALL of the time! The girls are both incredible helpers! Ashley will change diapers for me which is fantastic! Who likes changing diapers?? Um, she does. :) She also just likes to be by him as much as she can.
Jeff and I are enjoying so much watching him change. He's now starting to coo and smile when you talk to him. He's sleeping pretty good, last night we actually had a record, six hours straight! Hopefully it becomes a habit. I've been missing Jeff, who has taken up sleeping in the basement because he couldn't get a full night's sleep like he used to be able to do when all the other kids were babies and sharing a room with us. I don't mind the lack of sleep and I'm enjoying every little thing knowing that he is our last!